At the start of our 2015-2020 strategic plan we committed to ensuring that the Agency had a proper recording system in place that provided us with a framework to record all our interventions and the impact of these.  At each AGM we then reported on how this was helping us develop our work each year.  Though it was a word-based intervention record form that was laborious and time consuming.

With financial support from Belfast City Council during 2018/2019 and expert guidance from NICVA, we have now developed a cloud-based recording system using Microsoft Dynamics 365.  This has allowed us to have our 3 strategic themes linked to all our funders targets and each member of staff assigned to specific pieces of work and targets.  We have also been able to link our database, calendars, emails, events registration and a new evaluation process into this system.  This will allow us to be able to see how we are progressing against all or specific targets, on more regular and comprehensive basis and will provide us with more detailed information with which to report to our members as well as our funders.

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