How Do We Know?

Information gathered from Intervention Record Forms

As part of the process, staff were asked to record comments, within the Intervention Record Form, under 5 sections.  What follows is an example from the 123 Intervention Record Forms.

How was initial contact made or developed with this group?

  • Group was going through process of registering as a charity and asked for assistance with their accounts and to prepare an independent examination
  • Made contact with staff from NI Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm at an event and organised the delivery
    of a session for men
  • Asked to facilitate a session on Stress with the
    staff team
  • Offer of Ash to Cash programme
  • As a result of a visit from EBCDA staff to inform us of the opportunities through East Belfast Community Capacity & leadership programme
  • Making East Belfast Dementia Friendly. 

Intended Impact 

(What Difference Did We Want To Make)

  • To ensure the group was accounting for the funding correctly and would meet with Charity Commission Procedures
  • To ensure the group was accounting for the funding correctly and would meet with Charity Commission Procedures
  • To give the women’s group a fun physical activity to engage in
  • To equip with positive coping mechanisms and provide a safe space to talk openly
  • Raise awareness of the benefits of quitting smoking both financially and health related
  • To building leadership opportunities, relevant training for the organisation and governance development
  • Explore how East Libraries can be linked closer with dementia friendly work to raise awareness with service users.

Unintended Impact 

(What Additional Difference Did We Want To Make)

  • More detailed understanding accounting and book keeping procedures
  • The pilot was so successful that a role has been created in NICHS to roll this programme out across Belfast
  • Activity sessions motivated them to be active all through the week by walking more, make new friends and be more aware of their mental health 
  • More groups interested in EBCDA’s approach to well being in local communities and requested more information on how they might implement similar approach in other communities across the city
  • More demand for bespoke training and governance support than anticipated
  • All staff and volunteers want to or need to avail of the programme for the benefit of the organisation and the sector in East Belfast.

Your View on Impact 

(Will Impact Be Long Term)

  • Groups are realising how important it is to have accurate financial records as a requirement when they register with the charities commission
  • Sessions generated a lot of interest on social media and attracted a number of different participants from the local area
  • Positive impact on the group – opened up, facilitated increased peer support within the group, provided group opportunity to try positive coping strategies for stress
  • Good to help identify the risk of diabetes and help others to make changes to reduce the risk
  • Highlighted how groups are doing a lot which they don’t record or give themselves credit for
  • Good to review procedures and enable the development of stronger governance.

Group Views on Impact 

(Impact Statements)

  • I can’t thank you enough for this as it has taken a lot of pressure of me
  • Group were pleased with the information and are looking forward to working together in the future
  • Felt listened to and supported by each other to open up and develop positive strategies.  Group really valued the session and would like to incorporate another session into their programme later in the year
  • Delighted that EBCDA could assist with courses and impressed with the programmes/sessions that can be provided
  • We need to realise our important leadership role in our community and value this
  • The workshops brought clarity for group’s future work and provided the opportunity to explore how to improve meetings.